
Welcome to your new home! Check out these tips and tricks for caring for your home in Fall, and visit our Homebuyer's School YouTube channel for more tips on your new home maintenance.

Tip 1: Removing Hose Fittings

As the weather dips below zero, it is important to remove any hose fittings from your spigot. Frost-free spigots are designed to allow excess water to drain out of them. When water gets trapped in fittings connected to your spigot, it freezes in frigid temperatures and can cause the pipe inside your home to crack, pouring water into your house.


Tip 2: Maintaining Your HRV System

HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilators) come standard in new Brookfield Residential homes. HRVs increase energy efficiency and offer fresh air in the cold winter months. Do you know how it works, and how to maintain it? Find out everything you need to know in before we head into winter:


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