
Dear Homeowner, 

Please see below for this week's landscaping updates that will be completed, weather permitting.

Chappelle Green

  • We've finally had some dry weather and were able to lay sod! This has been a very challenging season and we thank you again for your patience. Once sod is laid please remember to water morning and evening for at least 2 weeks.
  • For garages that were built this week, please refrain from parking in the garage until we turn the garage over to you. We have to complete the electrical, install the garage door, and have the inspection pass.
  • The few garages that are built but not turned over: we are aiming to get the conduit installed next week to run the electrical from the house to the garage.
  • Exterior painters are back in the area. Please contact Shelley if you have any concerns as the painters work through the area.

Chappelle Blvd

  • For the Street Town, the exterior painting of the stair stringers and brackets has been completed and a portion of the garage trim has been painted. If your garage trim has yet to be painted, please contact Shelley, the Home Services Coordinator, to organize access.
  • We were able to get some progress with landscaping at Chappelle Green which is good news for the landscaping that we need done at Coughlan Green and Chappelle Blvd.
  • Homeowners at 1231 Chappelle Blvd, please get in contact with Shelley to organize the landscaping repairs that are needed on your home.

Coughlan Green

  • We have had a few nice days now and got a lot of the work completed on Chappelle Green. We will be moving on to your street soon as long as the weather stays dry. Once sod is laid please remember to water in the morning and evening for 2 weeks until the grass takes root. Avoid walking on the sod until the sod takes root.

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